Genocide is what drives natural selection and human evolution in general.

A long winded prolegomenon that you can skip if you like. In fact, why not skip the entire thing if you want to just read about my sex life. 

All of a sudden, as I’m once again forced to express my philosophical weltanschauung to a generally unapproving audience, an audience that neither comprehends me nor appreciates me and rather only see the sexual side of me, I’m reminded of the me that was sitting here nearly 20 years ago, practicing for SAT writing, and then a few years later, for GRE writing. 

I remember when I got 6 out of 6 on a particular essay, and the professor had used my essay as a sample for other students who were wishing to improve their own essay writing. 

At the time I did not believe what I wrote at all. I merely wrote to satisfy the anonymous referees, the judges of values, the men and women who were trained and taught by the not-so-secret Vulgate of what is good and bad, what is right and wrong, what is acceptable and utter-nonsense, and compared the values that I expressed to the value judgement expressed therein, and either approved or disapproved my point, expressed on a scale from 1 to 6.

That was why I chose to study mathematics, because majoring in anything in the humanities would have been suicide for someone like me, who did not conform in thought to the mainstream ideologies of the day.

Am I out of the ordinary? Really? What I write is all fictional? Really? Annabel Chong, Amelia Wang Mayli, Annais Nin, etc. come to mind immediately. But why even bother to argue at this point? Why even write argumentative essays like this, as if there were anyone that I would want to dissuade at this point. 

A platitudinous exercise in thought

What is written below has actually been well known among evolutionary psychologists, though what they know they would like to keep buried in relatively obscure publications. “Scientists”, after all, are just like any other careerists who work from 9 to 5. They are not, and nor are they supposed to be, the ecclesiastical guardians of truth, any more than plumbers, electricians, or politicians. 

I used to write more beautifully than this, definitely more logical than what I’m writing here. But life is so much more meaningful than cold logic. I used to be able to give my reasons, support my reasoning with examples, just like a perfectly obedient A+ student. But now my mind is swamped with so much information. I can no longer give concise reasons. I will have to dedicate my life to the unwinding of my own mind. But I have other things to do, more interesting things, like sex, and the rearing of my children. 

So what am I really getting at?

I come not to bury Nick Bostrom, the hottest philosopher alive today. No, I’m simply indifferent to those modern, progressive philosophers who are on a holy metaphysical crusade to save mankind from themselves. The world will not end from some nuclear scientists reaching their hands into an imaginary urn and coming out with a black ball technology like a hydrogen bomb the size of a grenade, which, by the way, is what Lawrence Livermore National Lab is actually trying to do with their latest laser fusion breakthrough. I’m not convinced by his papers, and I have my reasons.

Because rather, the world will end, and is quietly approaching its trajectory to end, in a whisper. 

Whether you regard the world with an evil eye, the preservation of the species is the most formidable impulse there is among humankind, and nothing is more ancient, more powerful than this impulse, and whatever that you could do to harm this species preserving impulse has long been eliminated through natural selection even God is not capable of revoking this drive. 

And humans have been so good at what they do that they have gradually eliminated nearly all elements that were supposed to be harmful to the preservation of the species, so much so that the human species will go extinct precisely because of that. 

Human instinct to species preservation activates itself most effectively in the face of mortal dangers. And of all the mortal dangers, nothing is as quite like genocide that can enable humans to activate this species preservation instinct. In some way, the best and most effective way to make sure that humans want to preserve themselves is to actively make them perish. 

The proof of this is–genocide has always been very common throughout human history. The elimination of foreign species, “other” humans who are obstacles in the way of one’s own preservation, is as quotidian as eating rice.

And genocide is what drove natural selection. The stronger, more ruthless, more dominant species of humans propagated their genes wide and far across the globe. The weak, inferior species decimated and their genes, along with their corpses, their books, their civilization were cast into oblivion.

The Han Chinese, for instance, were faced with genocide on the civilizational scale no less than 10 times throughout their history. 

Of a few notable events:

During the Mongol invasion, it is no exaggeration that approximately 99% of all Han Chinese were completely wiped clean from the surface of the earth. According to historical data, the Chinese population dropped from nearly 100 million to less than 1 million during the transition from Song Dynasty to Yuan Dynasty. Shiratori Kurakichi (白鳥 庫吉), the famed Japanese Sinologist of the Kyoto school (京都支那学) , states that the ancient China with its glorious history, culture, inventions, and philosophy, all came to a crashing end at that point. The China afterward is a Mongol barbarian covered in Chinese skin, which is quite an apt imagery considering skinning people alive and wearing their skin is not something the Mongols hadn’t done. It’s of course also because of the wide spread interracial marriage between Mongolian warriors and local Chinese women that were happening en mass. An average Mongolian soldier would impregnate over 80 fertile Chinese women in the span of just a few months, and would have left descendants in the thousands over his life time. It is no secret that most Chinese today have Mongolian DNA inside them.

The same thing happened again during the transition from Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. (Did you know the Manchus who ruled China during Qing Dynasty didn’t speak Chinese?) The Chinese population once again collapsed from its peak at more than 400 million (mid-Ming era) to less than 10 million (early-Qing era) in the span of 20~30 years. Most died in starvation, famine, torture, and mass killings on such a scale that it’s nearly impossible for a western man (who is not educated in Chinese history) to ponder the exceptional cruelty. Entire cities with close to 1 million people were completely razed to the ground, with severed limbs, heads, and torsos piled as high as mountains. Things such as “burying alive,” “cannibalism”, “skinning alive”, “boiling alive”, etc. were committed so routinely that the numbers themselves become cosmological constants, as if one were measuring the properties of the universe itself. One becomes numb. One can no longer comprehend suffering, cruelty, and the meaning of life.

Yet it is precisely due to those genocides, mass murders, starvation, torture and mass rape, the weak, unfit, and inferior specimen were eliminated via natural selection, and the more superior specimen were thereby allowed to properly breed the next generation of humans.

I think this essay–I have meant to keep it brief–is getting a little too long. I don’t really want to expound my philosophies anymore–I believe I actually have already written about it. I want to focus on the fun things in life, like sex, and food, and travel. And it’s so long winded that I’ve forgotten the points that I was about to introduce. It has become a stream of consciousness unintentionally …

The world will come to an end. The human species will go extinct. But not the way Nick Bostrom envisioned. The world will end after it has become too peaceful, too comfortable, too cozy, and humans lose their will to reproduce. No longer faced with mortal danger and no longer being pushed to the brink of extinction, humans will go extinct in a stupor of euphoric bliss. 

In evolutionary biological terms, we are, very obviously, all descendants of rape. There is no such thing as consent among the opposite sex, even just 50 years ago. The stronger men kill and pillage, and on their way, they breed the local females. 

And without those necessary (necessary evil?) and essential stimulants, humans gradually lose that species preserving instinct, their will to power, will to live, will to procreate, and this is all happening as we speak. Chinese population is facing collapse due to declining birthrate. So is Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The same thing is happening other most civilized nation states in the world, such as Germany, France, and Great Britain.

Only chimps and apes in Africa are still breeding, and so humans will come to an end. 


But I don’t want to focus on those things anymore. Because my conclusion is nearly unspeakable, and I won’t say it out loud, in a polite company anymore.

Everything I have written Nietzsche had written a hundred years ago, and his followers, such as Carl Jung, and many others have written many times. A very popular modern writer by the name Bronze Age Pervert, whose work I have read, is a new follower of Nietzsche to pop onto the stage. In essence, I agree with Bronze Age Pervert that we should not let social justice stop just at its societal level. Why not more ambitious? Why not natural justice?

” Who cares. Here is my vision of the true justice, the justice of nature: the zoos opened, predators unleashed by the dozens, hundreds … four thousand hungry wolves rampaging on streets of these hive cities, elephants and bison stampeding, the buildings smashed to pieces, the cries of the human bug shearing through the streets as the lord of beasts returns.”

I have long forsaken philosophy. I have also forsaken mathematics. I’m living a serene, calm, and ordinary life, fulfilled and pampered both romantically and sexually. 

I really don’t wish to draw controversy to my personal beliefs which I know are repulsive to most of the unthinking masses, and at this point, instead of fighting them, I wish to become one of them.

6 thoughts on “Genocide is what drives natural selection and human evolution in general.”

  1. Out of curiosity, should our nature course correct to a more productive one by your standards, where do you see the world going? One issue I see, is that should we go back to aggressive wars and conquest and rape, we will inevitably end up back where we started unless the society which manages to ultimately win is one which does not view its own people, its own citizens, as precious and worthy of protection under the law.

    Should we bring back the old colonial projects (which I am curious to hear your thoughts on), we will eventually have a situation where the colonials are simply us.

  2. we as a species has evolved very little our instincts and drives have a polite candy shell over our base drives

  3. Really didn’t expect to open one of your posts and find myself relating to you. You’re entirely right, and it’s only natural that you feel the urge to try and forget about it and fit in. But I kind of want to discourage you from that. Regardless of how bleak it seems, it’s important to remember that it may not be the end. There’s still the chance that our more primal impulses win out in the end and the civilized world abandons its chains in what will probably be a very violent revival of the natural order. Like you said, history is full of moments where peoples were forced to the brink of destruction and came out of it stronger than before. I have faith in my people, and I know enough of us are mindful of these things and have been preparing for the worst for a long time.

    More interested in stuff like this than I have been in your more sexual content. Nothing against it, it’s just more fun to actually engage with women than reading about it. I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels that way, either. I would find it hard to believe your content attracts men who don’t hold ideas similar to what you’ve expressed here.

    1. Thank you for taking interest in my rambling. Despite the flippant and divagating nature of my writings, which I don’t expect anyone to take me seriously, I’m still glad to see that people are reading.

      1. I disagree with you on that our fundamental nature has changed beyond individual impulses and desires there is a patina of civility that can under circumstances be stripped away and nature to return with a vengeance

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