Genocide is what drives natural selection and human evolution in general.

A long winded prolegomenon that you can skip if you like. In fact, why not skip the entire thing if you want to just read about my sex life. 

All of a sudden, as I’m once again forced to express my philosophical weltanschauung to a generally unapproving audience, an audience that neither comprehends me nor appreciates me and rather only see the sexual side of me, I’m reminded of the me that was sitting here nearly 20 years ago, practicing for SAT writing, and then a few years later, for GRE writing. 

I remember when I got 6 out of 6 on a particular essay, and the professor had used my essay as a sample for other students who were wishing to improve their own essay writing. 

At the time I did not believe what I wrote at all. I merely wrote to satisfy the anonymous referees, the judges of values, the men and women who were trained and taught by the not-so-secret Vulgate of what is good and bad, what is right and wrong, what is acceptable and utter-nonsense, and compared the values that I expressed to the value judgement expressed therein, and either approved or disapproved my point, expressed on a scale from 1 to 6.

That was why I chose to study mathematics, because majoring in anything in the humanities would have been suicide for someone like me, who did not conform in thought to the mainstream ideologies of the day.

Am I out of the ordinary? Really? What I write is all fictional? Really? Annabel Chong, Amelia Wang Mayli, Annais Nin, etc. come to mind immediately. But why even bother to argue at this point? Why even write argumentative essays like this, as if there were anyone that I would want to dissuade at this point. 

A platitudinous exercise in thought

What is written below has actually been well known among evolutionary psychologists, though what they know they would like to keep buried in relatively obscure publications. “Scientists”, after all, are just like any other careerists who work from 9 to 5. They are not, and nor are they supposed to be, the ecclesiastical guardians of truth, any more than plumbers, electricians, or politicians. 

I used to write more beautifully than this, definitely more logical than what I’m writing here. But life is so much more meaningful than cold logic. I used to be able to give my reasons, support my reasoning with examples, just like a perfectly obedient A+ student. But now my mind is swamped with so much information. I can no longer give concise reasons. I will have to dedicate my life to the unwinding of my own mind. But I have other things to do, more interesting things, like sex, and the rearing of my children. 

So what am I really getting at?

I come not to bury Nick Bostrom, the hottest philosopher alive today. No, I’m simply indifferent to those modern, progressive philosophers who are on a holy metaphysical crusade to save mankind from themselves. The world will not end from some nuclear scientists reaching their hands into an imaginary urn and coming out with a black ball technology like a hydrogen bomb the size of a grenade, which, by the way, is what Lawrence Livermore National Lab is actually trying to do with their latest laser fusion breakthrough. I’m not convinced by his papers, and I have my reasons.

Because rather, the world will end, and is quietly approaching its trajectory to end, in a whisper. 

Whether you regard the world with an evil eye, the preservation of the species is the most formidable impulse there is among humankind, and nothing is more ancient, more powerful than this impulse, and whatever that you could do to harm this species preserving impulse has long been eliminated through natural selection even God is not capable of revoking this drive. 

And humans have been so good at what they do that they have gradually eliminated nearly all elements that were supposed to be harmful to the preservation of the species, so much so that the human species will go extinct precisely because of that. 

Human instinct to species preservation activates itself most effectively in the face of mortal dangers. And of all the mortal dangers, nothing is as quite like genocide that can enable humans to activate this species preservation instinct. In some way, the best and most effective way to make sure that humans want to preserve themselves is to actively make them perish. 

The proof of this is–genocide has always been very common throughout human history. The elimination of foreign species, “other” humans who are obstacles in the way of one’s own preservation, is as quotidian as eating rice.

And genocide is what drove natural selection. The stronger, more ruthless, more dominant species of humans propagated their genes wide and far across the globe. The weak, inferior species decimated and their genes, along with their corpses, their books, their civilization were cast into oblivion.

The Han Chinese, for instance, were faced with genocide on the civilizational scale no less than 10 times throughout their history. 

Of a few notable events:

During the Mongol invasion, it is no exaggeration that approximately 99% of all Han Chinese were completely wiped clean from the surface of the earth. According to historical data, the Chinese population dropped from nearly 100 million to less than 1 million during the transition from Song Dynasty to Yuan Dynasty. Shiratori Kurakichi (白鳥 庫吉), the famed Japanese Sinologist of the Kyoto school (京都支那学) , states that the ancient China with its glorious history, culture, inventions, and philosophy, all came to a crashing end at that point. The China afterward is a Mongol barbarian covered in Chinese skin, which is quite an apt imagery considering skinning people alive and wearing their skin is not something the Mongols hadn’t done. It’s of course also because of the wide spread interracial marriage between Mongolian warriors and local Chinese women that were happening en mass. An average Mongolian soldier would impregnate over 80 fertile Chinese women in the span of just a few months, and would have left descendants in the thousands over his life time. It is no secret that most Chinese today have Mongolian DNA inside them.

The same thing happened again during the transition from Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. (Did you know the Manchus who ruled China during Qing Dynasty didn’t speak Chinese?) The Chinese population once again collapsed from its peak at more than 400 million (mid-Ming era) to less than 10 million (early-Qing era) in the span of 20~30 years. Most died in starvation, famine, torture, and mass killings on such a scale that it’s nearly impossible for a western man (who is not educated in Chinese history) to ponder the exceptional cruelty. Entire cities with close to 1 million people were completely razed to the ground, with severed limbs, heads, and torsos piled as high as mountains. Things such as “burying alive,” “cannibalism”, “skinning alive”, “boiling alive”, etc. were committed so routinely that the numbers themselves become cosmological constants, as if one were measuring the properties of the universe itself. One becomes numb. One can no longer comprehend suffering, cruelty, and the meaning of life.

Yet it is precisely due to those genocides, mass murders, starvation, torture and mass rape, the weak, unfit, and inferior specimen were eliminated via natural selection, and the more superior specimen were thereby allowed to properly breed the next generation of humans.

I think this essay–I have meant to keep it brief–is getting a little too long. I don’t really want to expound my philosophies anymore–I believe I actually have already written about it. I want to focus on the fun things in life, like sex, and food, and travel. And it’s so long winded that I’ve forgotten the points that I was about to introduce. It has become a stream of consciousness unintentionally …

The world will come to an end. The human species will go extinct. But not the way Nick Bostrom envisioned. The world will end after it has become too peaceful, too comfortable, too cozy, and humans lose their will to reproduce. No longer faced with mortal danger and no longer being pushed to the brink of extinction, humans will go extinct in a stupor of euphoric bliss. 

In evolutionary biological terms, we are, very obviously, all descendants of rape. There is no such thing as consent among the opposite sex, even just 50 years ago. The stronger men kill and pillage, and on their way, they breed the local females. 

And without those necessary (necessary evil?) and essential stimulants, humans gradually lose that species preserving instinct, their will to power, will to live, will to procreate, and this is all happening as we speak. Chinese population is facing collapse due to declining birthrate. So is Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The same thing is happening other most civilized nation states in the world, such as Germany, France, and Great Britain.

Only chimps and apes in Africa are still breeding, and so humans will come to an end. 


But I don’t want to focus on those things anymore. Because my conclusion is nearly unspeakable, and I won’t say it out loud, in a polite company anymore.

Everything I have written Nietzsche had written a hundred years ago, and his followers, such as Carl Jung, and many others have written many times. A very popular modern writer by the name Bronze Age Pervert, whose work I have read, is a new follower of Nietzsche to pop onto the stage. In essence, I agree with Bronze Age Pervert that we should not let social justice stop just at its societal level. Why not more ambitious? Why not natural justice?

” Who cares. Here is my vision of the true justice, the justice of nature: the zoos opened, predators unleashed by the dozens, hundreds … four thousand hungry wolves rampaging on streets of these hive cities, elephants and bison stampeding, the buildings smashed to pieces, the cries of the human bug shearing through the streets as the lord of beasts returns.”

I have long forsaken philosophy. I have also forsaken mathematics. I’m living a serene, calm, and ordinary life, fulfilled and pampered both romantically and sexually. 

I really don’t wish to draw controversy to my personal beliefs which I know are repulsive to most of the unthinking masses, and at this point, instead of fighting them, I wish to become one of them.

Inter-universal Teichmüller theory and the ABC Conjecture

For this blog, I have been steering away from my professional work, but the on-going drama surrounding Shinichi Mochizuki and Peter Scholze is so interesting and has derailed so out of control it’s shedding light on an aspect of my sexual philosophical weltanschauung I feel compelled to bring the topic to my audience here.

So, since the technical nature of the works involved, a little quick introduction is necessary so you can follow the drama.

Shinichi Mochizuki entered Princeton University as an undergrad at the age of 16, eventually obtaining his Ph.D. in mathematics, also at Princeton, at the age of 23, and is considered an eminent mathematician in the field of anabelian geometry, which is actually completely beyond my ability to comprehend. Anabelian geometry is a subfield of algebraic number theory, which is by far the most difficult field in all of pure mathematics. This is the field where you encounter century old problems that have baffled the smartest people who ever lived for hundreds of years; things like Fermat’s Last Theorem, Jacobi Conjecture, Goldbach Conjecture, Twin Primes Conjecture, etc. all live in this field.

One of those famous conjectures involved in this controversy is the so-called ABC conjecture. It’s easy enough to actually describe what it does, as all those conjectures are, because they involve just real numbers, and their seeming simplicity absolutely belies the immense difficulties of ever trying to prove them. Having a Ph.D. in math at this point (I assume most of my readers here have yet to defend their Ph.D. thesis in math, which is the bare minimum requirement to even start discussing the work) doesn’t actually help you, in this case, to start comprehending the works behind those innocent-looking statements. And in the case of Mochizuki’s alleged proof, even being a Fields medalist (the Nobel prize equivalent for mathematics) is not sufficient.

Which, at this point, I would like to introduce our next math prodigy: Peter Scholze, Fields Medal recipient, the youngest tenured professor ever from University of Bonn in Germany, working in the field of arithmetic geometry. Receiving his Ph.D. in math at the age of 25. He was also a three times International Math Olympiad gold medalist when he was in high school and is considered one of the most talented mathematicians alive today, on par with other math prodigies such as Terence Tao and Jacob Lurie.

Okay, so now that the main characters are here, I can finally start telling you the drama that is unfolding and it’s honestly feeling like watching the remake of Newton vs. Leibniz.

What happened was Mochizuki invented Inter-universal Teichmüller theory (IUT), a whole new system of math that, if true, will be able to not just solve the ABC conjecture, but also a wide range of other unsolved conjectures in algebraic number theory. The preprints of IUT were almost 500 pages and were extremely abstruse and only a handful people in the world have the capability to understand them.

This was in 2012.

Recently, in 2020, Sholze and another colleague Jacob Stix claimed that after years of study, they have actually found an irreparable flaw in the logic in one of the IUT corollaries, and there was no foreseeable way to fill the gap. And apparently, from what I have read, by authors who were familiar with the work, because the way IUT is set up, there is actually no intermediate way to test the entire theory, and so if it can’t prove ABC, then it’s useless.

Scholze’s argument:

It’s impossible for me to understand the work of Mochizuki. Nobody in the whole world does other than a handful of people, but Scholze, who has studied IUT for several years, was actually able to simplify the works enough to a point that I was actually able to grasp some ideas from it, and this is what it boils down to:

Basically the IUT claims that hyperbolic curves can be completely characterized by their fundamental groups and we only need to study those fundamental groups. Which point Scholze disagrees and points to that actions on fundamental groups performed are not always commutative and Mochizuki had no way to fix it.

There is in fact a passage back and forth between (according to another theorem in IUT) hyperbolic curves and their fundamental groups via isomorphisms and it’s supposed to make the data more precise. Already, do you see a contradiction in IUT? If fundamental groups completely determine hyperbolic curve, then why does passage back and forth somehow improve the identification?

You can read Sholze’s original papers in the reference below.

This, apparently, has infuriated Mochizuki, who insisted that IUT is correct, and that the two mathematicians from Germany, Sholze and Stix are, and I quote, “profoundly ignorant of the actual mathematical content of inter-universal Teichmuller theory …” [See reference below]

He’s calling the two of most prominent mathematicians of our age imbeciles, and this is all in print.

And of course this is not over. Mochizuki had gone ahead and published his papers in a Japanese math journal, for which he is the chief editor, and in the publication, he claims to have solved the ABC conjecture. So in Japan, ABC conjecture is solved. The rest of the math community disagrees.

Then, in 2023, another mathematician Kirti Joshi from Arizona State University, who had studied Mochizuki’s papers, published a preprint that basically states that he was able to fill the gap in the original IUT and prove ABC conjecture.

However, Sholze disagrees and once again points out a gap in his proof and this happened in March of 2024, this year!

So now, instead of one, we have two flawed proofs of ABC conjecture. But that is not all, Joshi had reached out to Mochizuki to collaborate on IUT and this is what Mochizuki says about Joshi, who, while not as eminent a mathematician, is an associate professor of mathematics and has published numerous papers in credited math journals, “First of all, there was an entirely unanimous consensus that Joshi’s series of preprints was obviously mathematically meaningless, and that it was obvious that he did not have any idea what he was talking about.”

One mathematician has described this type of rhetoric as “simply unacceptable” in a professional setting.

But in academia, especially in math and physics, it seems that words like “you are either not listening or not understanding,” “You don’t seem to know what you are talking about at all,” “do you even understand?” are being thrown around all the time. And this is among people who have all obtained their Ph.D.’s in math or physics, people who are qualified to be doing research in their fields. Math and physics are very daunting fields of endeavor, and while I do not want to intimidate you, I do have to say that it’s not for everyone.

Not only that! But now Mochizuki has set up a foundation where he will award 1 million dollars to anyone who can find a flaw in his IUT! This is all very strange, and it’s honestly kind of embarrassing at this point. Also, there are emails where Mochizuki demand that Scholze and Stix retract their papers regarding finding flaws in IUT.

As Scholze said, the entire debacle is a great embarrassment for the mathematical community.

Let me end by saying that I wished that Mochizuki had focused his manuscript only on this mathematical point, and that I feel deeply sorry for Joshi for the rest of the manuscript (and more generally, I feel deep embarrassment as a member of the mathematical community.)

Honestly to me it’s like watching the battle of giants in real time, the gigantomachy of the smartest people alive on earth.

But I think the whole reason why I posted this here is to show you just how Japanese—East Asian societies and East Asian men in general—behave. Of course not all Japanese are this bad, but I’m not surprised that this happened in Japan. Japanese may be bad. Chinese is no better. A Chinese mathematician (Shing-Tung Yau of Harvard) tried to steal the proof of Poincare Conjecture from Grigori Perelman back in 2005.

This little anecdote just reinforces what I have always known—

The Fundamental Theorem of Jennifer Suzuki:

Seeking truth for truth’s sake was, is, and will after all always be a white men’s endeavor, and the greatest geniuses were, are and will always remain to be–white men.


If truth were an Asian woman (Nietzsche, 1898), then she will always choose to give herself to white man, and white man only.


Jennifer Suzuki the philosopher?

I’m calm now, very calm compared to the same me that was 10 years ago. My life is now peaceful, happy, and serene. This gradually occurred to me after I turned 30. I still maintain this blog, albeit sporadically, because it is a testimony to my emotional and personal growth. I now sound so full of platitudes and cliches, like a proper adult. The philosophical writings that I once thought was so brilliant now—when I think of them, if I think of them at all—seemed so childish and amateurish and were all based on the misguided understanding of Nietzsche. Who am I to comment on the philosophical questions that tenured professors who studied those questions all their lives don’t have the answer to? And besides, besides Nietzsche, I have only read one book by David Hume, one book by Rene Descartes, most of the works by Plato, most of the works by Aristotle, most of the works of Karl Marx, most of the works of Sigmund Freud, most of the works of Marquis de Sade, most of the works by Kierkegaard; a few selective readings of Ayn Rand, Dostoevsky, Jean Paul Sartre, Wittgenstein, Schopenhauer, Julian Jaynes, Carl Jung, Solzhenitsyn, Marcel Proust, etc. And this list does not include the living authors and many other non-idealistic novelists that I’ve read, such as Hemingway, Flaubert, Stephen King, James Joyce, etc., and many other required readings from undergrad. (who wasn’t forced to read Foucault?)

While they may seem much more than the average person would ever read, they are far too few compared to a tenured professor of philosophy.

I enjoy reading, and that’s why I’m writing.

So who am I to tell you that Nick Bostrom’s argument whether we are living in a simulation or not is, though seemingly airtight in logic, so embellished, so full of mathematics (it seems to be the trend nowadays that every branch of studied endeavor is filling itself with mathematics, due to “physics envy” perhaps?), is nothing but an improved, modern version of Thomas Aquinas’s proof on the existence of God; that fundamentally, there is a categorical error, as Kant remarked in regards to the teleological argument in Quinque Viae, that is, there is a leap of faith between the immanent and the transcendental, that is, why does there has to be a non-simulated, original, “real” world?

Why this assumption of an unmovable mover? Always. Why? Why this first un-caused cause, the first who simulated the simulation, which simulation then simulated the simulation, ad infintum?

Because it’s a false question. The world is neither real nor simulated. The world is concocted or constructed by our logic, rationality and limited scope of human reason (Hello Friedrich Hayek!) and the world is perceived according to our meager, provincial, limited, human—all-too-human mind, so let’s follow the logic of Jacques Derrida and dismiss the question altogether as being framed in the wrong dichotomy.

Similarly, the world is neither meaningful nor meaningless. The world is neither benevolent nor malevolent. God neither exists nor doesn’t exist. Like the definition of a smooth manifold in which we have taken the set of all infinitely differentiable functions from the manifold to itself and then called the set of all derivatives of all such functions at any point, (now why did I just give you as anaolgy something from differential geometry, perhaps just like the philosophers such as Nick Bostrom, it’s simply the easiest way to convince you my reader that I am smarter than you), so we have defined the world according to our rational order, we have imposed in the very definition of the world what we constructed. The world is my idea. The world is my will.

And whenever we construct such a world order according to my idea, my will, my rationalistic, idealistic philosophy, there are certain axioms, first principles, if you will, that, sooner or later, need to be realized, actualized, unearthed, obviated.

And because of its axiomatic approach, which is unavoidable, as shown by Godel, then there are questions that can never be demonstrated, proved, and the easiest way to prove that such things exist is by self-reference (transform all statements into Godel numbers, assign a substitution function, self reference the substitution function, etc. etc. … )

If I ever think of those problems at all. If I still cared.

Perhaps I’ve always been like this, and I was just never made self-aware.

And it is true that having children changes you. Almost all my energy is now spent overseeing the growth and the well being of my children, for whom I’m willing to give my own life. And it is a great feeling, a sacrificial feeling.

I love talking about my own feelings. Logic, facts, rationality be damned. I don’t care about logic. I don’t care about facts. And what is rationality after all, nothing but the mere epiphenomenal representation of my emotional state.

The world is so much more colorful without facts, rationality, and logic.


Some men can only dream, and some men pursue their dreams.

Mr. Zau (赵富强) was such a man who had a dream and pursued what he dreamed.

Popularly known as the “Little Red House”, derived from the classic Chinese novel Chamber of Red Dreams, the apartment complex–otherwise ordinary and without remarkable distinctions from the exterior–situated at Shang Hai Shi, Yang Pu Qu–had over the course of 20 years housed over 100 different young Chinese females, all living as the personal sex slaves to Mr. Zau.

They were also coerced to have sex with Mr. Zau’s customers, friends, and high ranking officials of the Chinese Communist Party. And Mr. Zau had pocketed all the money they had earned.

Any woman who dared to rebel, disobey or protest were dealt with threats, violence, corporal punishment and unlawful imprisonment inside his self-made cells in the otherwise exorbitantly decorated interior of the Little Red House. In one form of punishment,the female slaves were tattooed with the words “Personal Use by Mr. Zau” above their vaginal openings.

In 2000, Mr. Zau was still a poor broke man with an ordinary job, and an ordinary life. But in 2017, he became one of the most powerful man in Shanghai and had accumulated a wealth over 1 billion in RMB.

Not only did he coerce his sex slaves into prostitution alone, but he also started business in selling their eggs. Many of them were given fertilization shots to produce as many eggs as possible, which he then sold on the black market. One sex slave had been coerced to have as many as ten such shots in the course of 20 days. Her belly became bloated and consequently became infertile due to complications.

And though many of those sex slaves had chances to escape, nearly all of them, according to the Chinese source, were “brainwashed” and actually enjoyed the lifestyle that Mr. Zau had provided for them. Three of them were nominally married to Mr. Zau and a dozen more had given birth to Mr. Zau’s children, and to this day they love their children dearly, even after Mr. Zau’s death sentence in 2020.

He lived the life of an emperor. And the women whom he kept as his sex slaves loved him.

A woman doesn’t care about your race, your height, or your looks, but only your power. If you are a man with a vision, and the will to implement your vision, then you ought to have no compunction in regard to the weak masses, or of being viewed by the larger society as “evil”, “immoral”, “bad”, or “criminal”, and then you can conquer any woman. Think of all the white women who date black criminals. Think of all the women who write love letters to murderers and rapists. Think of all the Japanese schoolgirls professing their love to Japanese soldiers after the conquest of Nanking. Think of Genghis Khan and all his descendants today. What is evil? Weakness is evil. What is good? Anything that increases your power is good.


White men are the greatest men to have ever existed

To counter the argument that white men are not so special, some would argue, great civilizations come and go in cycles, and that the glory and superiority of any particular race at any particular time is merely a blimp in the infinite history of the universe. Those denials, almost always smugly proffered by those with a hidden agenda to create a false sense of equality of all races, in a futile effort toward an egalitarian utopia in which nothing is essential, nothing is great, and nothing matters in the least; they would never point out the utter inferiority of any other race but rather spend all their days to carp and harp on the great white race. They would never point out that not a single great civilization was created by the Africans. They would never confess to the completely obvious fact that the white race is unique in all human history in creating an immensely new civilization starting in the 1600s that transformed the entire earth and that no civilization before had accomplished even a fraction of what the great white race has accomplished; a single invention in the 18th century’s Europe would have been a landmark of the greatest feat for any other civilization in over one hundred years; the exponential growth of European science has outpaced all recorded history of mankind. The Chinese themselves, upon encountering the technologically superior, almost alien-like, western civilization, marveled, that in all of Chinese history, there was not a single group of foreign people who could so singlehandedly transform the way Chinese lived; “The barbarians conquered the Chinese, but those barbarians were eventually conquered by the Chinese through our superior culture,” the Chinese scholars quipped about their own superiority. But something entirely different happened when the white soldiers of enlightened Europe trampled through the forbidden gates of Peking. The White civilization, armed with not just superior science and technology, but also superior culture and ideas, and a spiritual ruthlessness and aggression that is utterly lacking in a decadent civilization such as the Chinese, had not just destroyed the Chinese land, but also destroyed their very sense of self; for the first time in Chinese history those conceited Chinese could no longer think of themselves as the center of the world.

Similar things happened all throughout the world, but most especially so to the civilizationally advanced Far East. For the first time in their cloistered history they were being conquered not just by foreign people of superior aggression, but also by superior ideas.

And anyone who is honest to herself, who is not afraid to look into her heart of hearts, would confess to the world, that the world conquest of the White race is unique, in that no other race of people has so transformed the entire world as the white race had, and that no race of people so far has ever come to match the superiority of the white race in its total domination of the world.

And that is why, as a female of the inferior race, I am so honored to serve white men, as the gods they rightfully are. As their subjugate, their conquered slave, upon whom am so heaped with so much love and adulation by my white conquerors, I am both flustered and terrified, that the mighty white men would use me to their hearts’ content. I kneel before my white gods and prostrate before them as nothing but an inferior asian slave, I beg them to allow me to worship them, and if my flesh could serve as their entertainment, to pleasure them as an inferior female of an inferior race, then it is the completion of my purpose. And when their sperm flow through my womb, to destroy what is outdated and obsolete, and to infuse me with new blood, new genes, to create a superior being out of me, I know I am being elevated out of my inferiority, for what has been proven to be weak failures must die, so the strong and successful shall flourish; so the inferior asian genes inside me must die, to make room for the mighty genes of the white gods; and so shall all the inferior females of the conquered asia, beaming with obedience and deep submission, merge with the white gods of Europe, full of rage, power, and genius, to carry on the progression of the world to its new height.

For this is the natural order of the world that all humanity has witnessed, and this is the natural progression of the human species. The conquerors must pass on their genes inside the wombs of conquered females, as the natural order dictates.

The superiority of the great white race shall be inherited through the wombs of females of the inferior races.