Calling for more Asian females to contribute stories about having sex with white men.

It’s definitely fun to post naughty pictures and videos of yourself on the internet, but I think, and I would think our followers agree, it’d be more fun to READ about stories of us Asian females having genuine sexual encounters with white men, whom we all love and cherish. 

I don’t know about you but I get so turned on knowing that I’m inferior to white men and I love being fucked by white men. Let them rule over me, dominate me, humiliate me, degrade me. I worship white men. White men are my kings, my lords, my gods. It’s my passion and I’m addicted to it.

This is why I created this website. 

Right now this website is run by only me and two other Asian women whom I have acquainted with via Reddit, and though they have contributed some write-ups, the vast majority of posts are done by me. 

But I would love to see more. And I think our followers would like to see more. If you are an Asian female and you would like to contribute, please:

1. Comment on who you are. And you are free to put links for your personal websites such as twitter, instagram, tiktok, redgif, pornhub, onlyfans, etc., any website where people can see and know you are genuine. When you comment, please make sure to use an email address that you’d like to receive emails from and this will be the email I use to add you as a contributor to this website. Note that only the administrator can see your email address

2.  Create a short bio. Why you are a slut for white men? What makes you unique and what turns you on. Are you Japanese, Chinese, or Korean? Where did you grow up? What do you look like? How old were you when you first become addicted to white cocks? Etc.

3. Write! Confess! So tell us about not just the “why”, but also the “how”– how much and in what way do you express your love for white men. How do you worship white cocks, do you fuck any white man you see walking down the street, do you lick a white man’s balls, do you let a white man you just met cum inside you? Have white cocks turned your once tight, pristine Asian pussy into a gaping abyss reserved only for big white men? How did you become white-owned? Tell us all the humiliating things you’ve done to hit your fix for white cocks, whether it’s allowing white men to gangbang you, or it’s it’s being fucked in front of all your white bf’s white friends. 

Include all the juicy details! Tell us how you degrade yourself for white men’s pleasure!

Once it’s written up, hit submit. I will review, edit, and then publish! (Don’t be afraid if your writing is subpar, as long as it’s genuine and sincere. I will edit and polish your writings once it’s done.)

I hope this will be a good idea, and I’d love to hear from you gals!

Author: jennifer suzuki

I have been a very confused—some might say very conflicted—girl ever since I can remember and I have always lived in a fantasy world of my own making. I was born in Japan, my mother is Chinese and my father is Japanese, and my father’s mother or my grandmother was German Dutch, and I came to the United States as a teenager and lived and went to school in Maryland, and worked in New York. I lived in fantasy worlds since I was a teenager and I have always done so, sometimes so deep in my own fantasy I forgot my own identity. I no longer knew who I am. Physically I look more European than asian. My father is of mixed heritage—he has white blond hair, but he also has some distinctly Japanese features. On the other hand my features mostly resembled my grandmother, who was a full blooded European woman. Which was not something that really bothered me. Actually most modern Japanese look very European compared to the rest of asians. My father was a sadist, and my mother, on the other hand, was, in my opinion, a masochist with no self respect. Growing up, seeing my father beating my mother was almost as frequent as having dinner, and when not beating her, she was constantly being humiliated and degraded, like having to serve dinner to him naked on her knees or being tied to an utility pole only in her panties during the winter. At first I believed my mother was a victim, a unfortunate human being in the hands of a cruel evil man, but as I grew older I realized that it was my mother who enjoyed being treated this way. The initial realization made me feel she was a disgusting, perverted, sick person, but as I grew older I began to have the almost identical sexual fantasies that my mother lived and experienced through. I began to think that my mother was the luckiest woman on earth since apparently she had found a man who understood her desires and could give them to her. My dad studied and worked in America before, and during that period he desperately wanted to marry a white woman, and vehemently pursued several white women, but was unsuccessful. At the same time Japanese women were unwilling to marry him. Maybe because just like him they were looking to marry into the white race, or maybe because he had sadistic tendencies. Out of options he settled to look for a Chinese woman. Statistically, marriages between Chinese women and Japanese men have been quite common, and I personally knew quite a few couples just like my mother and father. Even here in America I knew several Chinese women who had Japanese boyfriends and those women were actually quite proud of having superior Japanese men as boyfriends. Japanese in general look much more European compared to other asians and I suspect it was the putative European appearance that attracts other asian women. Of course Japanese are not Europeans, no matter how much we try to become European, just as Jews will never be fully accepted as White Christians. I think Jews and Japanese have a lot in common. We were both persecuted by Europeans, the Jews by Germans, and Japanese by Americans, yet we both come to love our white Masters. Jews weren’t officially considered white until very recently, and I think as time progresses eventually Japanese will be categorized as white in the future, though Jews and Japanese will always know that they are still inferior to their Nordic Masters. But as always the Jews will be Masters over the Arabs and the Japanese will be Masters over the rest of Asia. There is no other meaning to life, other than the degree of domination. I had an older sister who looked fully asian, as opposed to me who looked much more European. And ever since childhood I have always known for a fact that I was treated better by everyone else because of my distinctly European appearance. In school classmates would be hesitant to tease me because they always thought my father might be an American or an European man even though they knew my mother was Chinese but somehow they still were afraid of me solely because of my European appearance. The thing was that in Japanese naming system, my mother’s last name automatically gets attached to mine, so for example, my name in Japanese would actually be “Suzuki Liu Jennifer”, because my mother’s maiden name is Liu; this way everyone would instantly know my mother is Chinese. On the other hand my sister was bullied almost everyday by upper classmates because she looked very Chinese. They made fun of her hair and clothes and told her that she looked like a Chinese pig and I had seen boys pulling down her pants and laughing at her for having a “Chinese vagina”. I was a very young girl back then and I felt ashamed of having her as a sister so in school I didn’t talk to her at all. When I was 12 years old, she committed suicide by hanging herself in her closet. I know this because I was the one who discovered her body. My parents would have never told me about her death if I did not saw her dead body by myself. And ever since her death a dark cloud formed over my head and throughout my teenager years I was constantly harrowed by thoughts of suicide. It was not until I was much older that I learned suicide is infectious and that had been why I was constantly thinking about suicide. The realization made me try not to think too much about death, but no matter how much I try I can never get her image out of my head. Sometimes I feel she still haunts me because I didn’t talk to her in school. My parents divorced when I was 14 and I went to live with my mom in China for two years. Contrary to popular beliefs, I had never experienced any form of racism or discrimination against me when I was living in China. Most people assumed that I was an European girl and the aura of being European seemed to make me inapproachable, like the shield of Athena covering me from head to toe. Even when I was in school, when classmates would know my father was Japanese because of my last name, I had never really felt any discrimination, though I did feel they were kind of afraid of me. I had never realized how much being White meant until I was in America: the symbol of power, domination, and superiority that being White implies. Being White is being the entelechy of all that is beautiful, good and righteous. Which is strange because my nationality still is, in actuality, Japanese and as I grew older I started to look more asian. My hair has gotten completely dark and my looks started to resemble my mother’s. I used to have very light-colored hair, but I just felt fortunate that I do not look fully asian like my sister was. To read more:

3 thoughts on “Calling for more Asian females to contribute stories about having sex with white men.”

  1. WM4AF Hello lovebirds I am also interested in Asian goddess I’m now mature without any Asian friends so these stories are inspiring perhaps a doorway to better exposure be happy

  2. Hello there Jennifer. thank you for vetting our replies. We are a WMAF couple that came across this site, and your reddit. We’re curious to know more about the little cult you have, and are happy to share about our journey and her initiation as a little asian slut for white cock. Perhaps you can contact us at our email?

    1. Your subject is quite close to home and interesting as I BWC4A haven’t found my mate yet this is such an intimate awakening for me thank you for sharing the love

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